Finbuckle.MultiTenant Docs

Configuration and Usage


Finbuckle.MultiTenant uses the standard builder pattern for its configuration in the ConfigureServices method of the app's Startup class. Order doesn't matter, but both a multitenant store and a multitenant strategy are required.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


AddMultiTenant<T> is an extension method on IServiceCollection which registers the basic dependencies needed by the library. The T type parameter determines the type of the ITenantInfo object used throughout the library. TenantInfo provides a basic implementation of ITenantInfo, but a custom implementation can and should be provided. It returns a MultiTenantBuilder<T> instance on which the methods below can be called for further configuration. Each of these methods returns the same MultiTenantBuilder<T> instance allowing for chaining method calls.

WithStore Variants

Adds and configures an IMultiTenantStore to the application. Only the last store configured will be used. See MultiTenant Stores for more information on each type.

  • WithStore<TStore>
  • WithInMemoryStore
  • WithConfigurationStore
  • WithEFCoreStore
  • WithDistributedCacheStore

WithStrategy Variants

Adds and configures an IMultiTenantStore to the application. Multiple strategies can be configured and each will be used in the order registered. See MultiTenant Strategies for more information on each type.

  • WithStrategy<TStrategy>
  • WithBasePathStrategy
  • WithClaimStrategy
  • WithDelegateStrategy
  • WithHeaderStrategy
  • WithHostStrategy
  • WithRouteStrategy
  • WithSessionStrategy
  • WithStaticStrategy


Adds per-tenant configuration for an options class. See Per-Tenant Options for more details.


Configures support for per-tenant authentication. See Per-Tenant Authentication for more details.


Most of the capability enabled by Finbuckle.MultiTenant is utilized through its middleware and use the Options pattern with per-tenant options. The middleware will resolve the app's current tenant on each request using the configured strategies and stores, and the per-tenant options will alter the app's behavior as dependency injection passes the options to app components.

In addition, there are a few methods available for directly accessing and settings the tenant information if needed.

MultiTenant Middleware

Configures the middleware handling tenant resolution via the multitenant strategy and the multitenant store. UseMultiTenant should usually be called before UseAuthentication and UseMvc in the Configure method of the app's Startup class. Additionally, if any other middleware uses per-tenant options then that middleware should come after UseMultiTenant. In ASP.NET Core 3 or later UseRouting should come before UseMultiTenant if the route strategy is used.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
    app.UseMultiTenant(); // Before UseAuthentication and UseEndpoints


Extension method of HttpContext that returns the MultiTenantContext instance for the current request. If there is no current tenant the TenantInfo property will be null.

var tenantInfo = HttpContext.GetMultiTenantContext<TenantInfo>().TenantInfo;

if(tenantInfo != null)
    var tenantId = tenantInfo.Id;
    var identifier = tenantInfo.Identifier;
    var name = tenantInfo.Name;
    var something = tenantInfo.Items["something"];


Note: For most cases the middleware sets the TenantInfo and this method is not needed. Use only if explicitly overriding the TenantInfo set by the middleware.

Extension method of HttpContext that tries to set the current tenant to the provided TenantInfo. Returns true if successful. Optionally it can also reset the service provider scope so that any scoped services already resolved will be resolved again under the current tenant when needed. This has no effect on singleton or transient services. Setting the TenantInfo with this method sets both the StoreInfo and StrategyInfo properties on the MultiTenantContext to null.

var newTenantInfo = new TenantInfo(...);

if(HttpContext.TrySetTenantInfo(newTenantInfo, resetServiceProvider: true))
    // This will be the new tenant.
    var tenant = HttpContext.GetMultiTenantContext().TenantInfo;

    // This will regenerate the options class.
    var optionsProvider = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<IOptions<MyScopedOptions>>();