Finbuckle.MultiTenant Docs

Core Concepts

The library uses standard .NET Core conventions and most of the internal details are abstracted away from app code. However, there are a few important specifics to be aware of.


Interface for a type containing information about the current multitenant environment.

  • Includes TenantInfo, StrategyInfo, and StoreInfo properties with details on the current tenant, how it was determined, and from where its information was retrieved.
  • Can be obtained in ASP.NET Core by calling the GetMultiTenantContext() method on the current request's HttpContext object. The implementation used with ASP.NET Core middleware has read only properties. The HttpContext extension method TrySetTenantInfo can be used to manually set the current tenant, but normally the middleware handles this.
  • A custom implementation can be defined for more advanced use cases.

ITenantInfo and TenantInfo

Contains information about a tenant. Usually an app will get the current TenantInfo object from the MultiTenantContext instance for that request. Instances of TenantInfo can also be passed to multitenant stores for adding, removing, updating the store.

ITenantInfo defines properties for Id, Identifier, Name, ConnectionString.

  • Id is a unique id for a tenant in the app and should never change.
  • Identifier is the value used to actually resolve a tenant and should have a syntax compatible for the app (i.e. no crazy symbols in a web app where the identifier will be part of the URL). Unlike Id, Identifier can be changed if necessary.
  • Name is a display name for the tenant.
  • ConnectionString is a connection string that should be used for database operations for this tenant. It might connect to a shared database or a dedicated database for the single tenant.

Note: Finbuckle.MultiTenant versions prior to v6.0.0 had an Items dictionary property for custom data. This was removed in favor of custom ITenantInfo support where custom data can simply be made properties of the implementation.

TenantInfo is a basic implementation of ITenantInfo with only the required properties. An app can define a custom ITenantInfo and add any other needed properties. When calling AddMultiTenant<T> the type passed into the type parameter defines the ITenantInfo use through the library and thus the app.


Contains information about the multitenant strategy used to create the MultiTenantContext. Accessible as a property on MultiTenantContext.


Contains information about the multitenant store used to create the MultiTenantContext. Accessible as a property on MultiTenantContext.

MultiTenant Strategies

Responsible for determining and returning a tenant identifier string for the current request.

  • Several strategies are provided based on host, route, etc. See MultiTenant Strategies for more information.
  • Custom strategies implementing IMultiTenantStrategy can be used as well.

MultiTenant Stores

Responsible for returning a TenantInfo object based on a tenant string identifier (which is usually provided by a strategy).

  • Has methods for adding, removing, updating, and retrieving TenantInfo objects.
  • Two implementations are provided: a basic InMemoryTenantStore based on ConcurrentDictionary<string, TenantInfo> and a more advanced Entity Framework Core based implementation.
  • Custom stores implementing IMultiTenantStore can be used as well.


Exception type thrown when a serious problem occurs within Finbuckle.MultiTenant.

  • Usually wraps an underlying exception.