Finbuckle.MultiTenant Docs

Per-Tenant Options

Finbuckle.MultiTenant integrates with the standard ASP.NET Core Options pattern and lets apps customize options distinctly for each tenant. The current tenant determines which options are retrieved via the IOptions<TOptions> (or derived) instance's Value property and Get(string name) method.

A specialized variation of this is per-tenant authentication.

Per-tenant options will work with any options class when using IOptions<TOptions>, IOptionsSnapshot<TOptions>, or IOptionsMonitor<TOptions> with dependency injection or service resolution. This includes an app's own code and code internal to ASP.NET Core or other libraries that use the Options pattern. There is one potential caveat: ASP.NET Core and other libraries may internally cache options or exhibit other unexpected behavior resulting in the wrong option values!

Consider a typical scenario in ASP.Net Core, starting with a simple class:

public class MyOptions
    public int Option1 { get; set; }
    public int Option2 { get; set; }

In the ConfigureServices method of the startup class, services.Configure<MyOptions> is called with a delegate or IConfiguration parameter to set the option values:

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.Configure<MyOptions>(options => options.Option1 = 1);
        // Other services configured here...

Dependency injection of IOptions<MyOptions> into a controller (or anywhere DI can be used) provides access to the options values, which are the same for every tenant at this point:

public MyController : Controller
    private readonly MyOptions _myOptions;
    public MyController(IOptionsMonitor<MyOptions> optionsAccessor)
        // Same options regardless of the current tenant.
        _myOptions = optionsAccessor.Value;

Customizing Options Per Tenant

This sections assumes Finbuckle.MultiTenant is installed and configured. See Getting Started for details.

Call WithPerTenantOptions<TOptions> after AddMultiTenant<T> in the ConfigureServices method:

        .WithPerTenantOptions<MyOptions>((options, tenantInfo) =>
            options.MyOption1 = tenantInfo.Option1Value;
            options.MyOption2 = tenantInfo.Option2Value;

The type parameter TOptions is the options type being customized per-tenant. The method parameter is an Action<TOptions, TenantInfo>. This action will modify the options instance after the options normal configuration and before its post configuration .

WithPerTenantOptions<TOptions> can be called multiple times on the same TOptions type and the configuration will run in the respective order.

The same delegate passed to WithPerTenantOptions<TOptions> is applied to all options generated of type TOptions regardless of the option name, similar to the .NET ConfigureAll method.

Now with the same controller example from above, the option values will be specific to the current tenant:

public MyController : Controller
    private readonly MyOptions _myOptions;

    public MyController(IOptionsMonitor<MyOptions> optionsAccessor)
        // _myOptions.MyOptions1 and .MyOptions2 will be specific to the current tenant.
        _myOptions = optionsAccessor.Value;

Named Options

You can configure options by name using the WithPerTenantNamedOptions<TOptions> method.

Call WithPerTenantNamedOptions<TOptions> after AddMultiTenant<T> in the ConfigureServices method:

    .WithPerTenantNamedOptions<MyOptions>(someOptionsName, (options, tenantInfo) =>
        // only update options named "someOptionsName"
        options.MyOption1 = tenantInfo.Option1Value;
        options.MyOption2 = tenantInfo.Option2Value;

The string parameter is the name of the options. The type parameter TOptions is the options type being customized per-tenant. The method parameter is an Action<string, TOptions, TenantInfo>. This action will modify the options instance after the options normal configuration and before its post configuration .

WithPerTenantNameOptions<TOptions> can be called multiple times on the same TOptions type and the configuration will run in the respective order.

The same delegate passed to WithPerTenantNameOptions<TOptions> is applied to all options generated of type TOptions regardless of the option name. You can use the name argument in the callback to help you set the correct options by name.

WithPerTenantOptions<TOptions> can be used in combination with WithPerTenantNameOptions<TOptions> for the same type TOptions. The WithPerTenantOptions<TOptions> callbacks will be invoked first, followed by the WithPerTenantNameOptions<TOptions> callbacks.

Options Caching

Internally ASP.NET Core caches options, and Finbuckle.MultiTenant extends this to cache options per tenant. Caching occurs when a TOptions instance is retrieved via Value or Get on the injected IOptions<TOptions> (or derived) instance for the first time for a tenant.

IOptions<TOptions> instances are always regenerated when injected so any caching only lasts as long as the specific instance.

IOptionsSnapshot<TOptions> instances are generated once per HTTP request and caching will last throughout the entire request.

IOptionsMonitor<TOptions> instances persist across HTTP requests and caching can persist for long periods of time.

In some situations cached options may need to be cleared so that the options can be regenerated.

When using per-tenant options via IOptions<TOptions> and IOptionsSnapshot<TOptions> the injected instance is of type MultiTenantOptionsManager<TOptions>. Casting to this type exposes the Reset() method which clears any internal caching for the current tenant and cause the options to be regenerated when next accessed via Value or Get(string name).

When using per-tenant options with IOptionsMonitor<TOptions> each injected instance uses a shared persistent cache. This cache can be retrieved by injecting or resolving an instance of IOptionsMonitorCache<TOptions> which has a Clear() method that will clear the cache for the current tenant. Casting the IOptionsMonitorCache<TOptions> instance to MultiTenantOptionsCache<TOptions> exposes the Clear(string tenantId) and ClearAll() methods. Clear(string tenantId) clears cached options for a specific tenant (or the regular non per-tenant options if the parameter is empty or null). ClearAll() clears all cached options (including regular non per-tenant options).