Finbuckle.MultiTenant Docs

Data Isolation with Entity Framework Core


Data isolation is one of the most important considerations in a multi-tenant app. Whether each tenant has its own database, a shared database, or a hybrid approach can make a significant different in app design. Finbuckle.MultiTenant supports each of these models by associating a connection string with each tenant.

Separate Databases

If each tenant uses a separate database then add a ConnectionString property to the app's ITenantInfo implementation. and use it in the OnConfiguring method of the database context class. The tenant info can be obtained by injecting a IMultiTenantContextAccessor<TTenantInfo> into the database context class constructor.

public class AppTenantInfo : ITenantInfo
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Identifier { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string ConnectionString { get; set; }

public class MyAppDbContext : DbContext
   // AppTenantInfo is the app's custom implementation of ITenantInfo which 
   private AppTenantInfo TenantInfo { get; set; }

   public MyAppDbContext(IMultiTenantContextAccessor<AppTenantInfo> multiTenantContextAccessor)
       // get the current tenant info at the time of construction
       TenantInfo = multiTenantContextAccessor.tenantInfo;

   protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
       // use the connection string to connect to the per-tenant database

This approach does not require the added complexity described below for a shared database approach, but does come with its own complexity in operating and maintaining a larger number of database instances and infrastructure.

Shared Database

In shared database scenarios it is important to make sure that queries and commands for a tenant do not affect the data belonging to other tenants. Finbuckle.MultiTenant handles this automatically and removes the need to sprinkle "where" clauses all over an app. Internally a shadow TenantId property is added (or used if already present) to multi-tenant entity types and managed as the database context is used. It also performs validation and related options for handling null or mismatched tenants.

Finbuckle.MultiTenant provides two different ways to utilize this behavior in a database context class:

  1. Implement IMultiTenantDbContext and used the helper methods as described below, or
  2. Derive from MultiTenantDbContext which handles the details for you.

The first option is more complex, but provides enhanced flexibility and allows existing database context classes (which may derive from a base class) to utilize per-tenant data isolation. The second option is easier, but provides less flexibility. These approaches are both explained further below.

Regardless of how the database context is configured, the context will need to know which entity types should be treated as multi-tenant (i.e. which entity types are to be isolated per tenant) When the database context is initialized, a shadow property named TenantId is added to the data model for designated entity types. This property is used internally to filter all requests and commands. If there already is a defined string property named TenantId then it will be used.

There are two ways to designate an entity type as multi-tenant:

  1. apply the [MultiTenant] data attribute
  2. use the fluent API entity type builder extension method IsMultiTenant

Entity types not designated via one of these methods are not isolated per-tenant all instances are shared across all tenants.

Using the [MultiTenant] attribute

The [MultiTenant] attribute designates a class to be isolated per-tenant when it is used as an entity type in a database context:

// tenants will only see their own blog posts
public class BlogPost

// roles will be the same for all tenants
public class Roles

public class BloggingDbContext : MultiTenantDbContext
    public BloggingDbContext(IMultiTenantContextAccessor multiTenantContextAccessor) : base(multiTenantContextAccessor)
    public DbSet<BlogPost> BlogPosts { get; set; } // this will be multi-tenant!
    public DbSet<Roles> Roles { get; set; } // not multi-tenant!

Database context classes derived from MultiTenantDbContext will automatically respect the [MultiTenant] attribute. Otherwise, a database context class can be configured to respect the attribute by calling ConfigureMultiTenant in the OnModelCreating method.

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
    // not needed if database context derives from MultiTenantDbContext

Using the fluent API

The fluent API entity type builder extension method IsMultiTenant can be called in OnModelCreating to provide the multi-tenant functionality for entity types:

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
    // Configure an entity type to be multi-tenant.

This approach is more flexible than using the [MultiTenant] attribute because it can be used for types which do not have the attribute, e.g. from another assembly.

IsMultiTenant() returns an MultiTenantEntityTypeBuilder instance which enables further multi-tenant configuration of the entity type via AdjustKey,AdjustIndex, AdjustIndexes, and AdjustUniqueIndexes. See Keys and Indexes for more details.

Existing Query Filters

IsMultiTenant and the [MultiTenant] attribute use a query filter for data isolation and will automatically merge its query filter with an existing query filter is one is present. For that reason, if the type to be multi-tenant has an existing query filter, IsMultiTenant and ConfigureMultiTenant should be called after the existing query filter is configured:

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
    // set a global query filter, e.g. to support soft delete
    builder.Entity<MyEntityType>().HasQueryFilter(p => !p.IsDeleted);

    // configure an entity type to be multi-tenant (will merge with existing call to HasQueryFilter)

Adding MultiTenant functionality to an existing DbContext

This approach is more flexible than deriving from MultiTenantDbContext, but needs more configuration. It requires implementing IMultiTenantDbContext and following a strict convention of helper method calls.

Start by adding the Finbuckle.MultiTenant.EntityFrameworkCore package to the project:

dotnet add package Finbuckle.MultiTenant.EntityFrameworkCore

Next, implement IMultiTenantDbContext on the context. These interface properties ensure that the extension methods will have the information needed to provide proper data isolation.

public class MyDbContext : DbContext, IMultiTenantDbContext
    public ITenantInfo TenantInfo { get; }
    public TenantMismatchMode TenantMismatchMode { get; }
    public TenantNotSetMode TenantNotSetMode { get; }

The database context will need to ensure that these properties haves values, either through constructors, setters, or default values.

In earlier version of Finbuckle.MultiTenant ITenantInfo and the app implementation where available via dependency injection, but this was removed in v7.0.0 for consistency. Instead, inject the IMultiTenantContextAccessor and use it to set the TenantInfo property in the database context constructor.

Finally, call the library extension methods as described below. This requires overriding
the `OnModelCreating`, `SaveChanges`, and `SaveChangesAsync` methods.

In `OnModelCreating` use the `EntityTypeBuilder` fluent API extension method `IsMultiTenant` to designate entity types
as multi-tenant. Call `ConfigureMultiTenant` on the `ModelBuilder` to configure each entity type marked with
the `[MultiTenant]` data attribute. This is only needed if using the attribute and internally uses the `IsMultiTenant`
fluent API. Make sure to call the base class `OnModelCreating` method if necessary, such as if inheriting
from `IdentityDbContext`.

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
    // If necessary call the base class method.
    // Recommended to be called first.

    // Configure all entity types marked with the [MultiTenant] data attribute

    // Configure an entity type to be multi-tenant.

In SaveChanges and SaveChangesAsync call the IMultiTenantDbContext extension method EnforceMultiTenant before calling the base class method. This ensures proper data isolation and behavior for TenantMismatchMode and TenantNotSetMode.

public override int SaveChanges(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)
    return base.SaveChanges(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess);

public override async Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess,
    CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
    return await base.SaveChangesAsync(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, cancellationToken);

Now, whenever this database context is used it will only set and query records for the current tenant.

Deriving from MultiTenantDbContext

This approach is easier bit requires inheriting from MultiTenantDbContext which may not always be possible. It is simply a pre-configured implementation of IMultiTenantDbContext with the helper methods as described above in Adding MultiTenant Functionality to an Existing DbContext

Start by adding the Finbuckle.MultiTenant.EntityFrameworkCore package to the project:

dotnet add package Finbuckle.MultiTenant.EntityFrameworkCore

The MultiTenantDbContext has two constructors which should be called from any derived database context. Make sure to forward the IMultiTenatContextAccessor and, if applicable the DbContextOptions<T> into the base constructor. Variants of these constructors that pass ITenantInfo to the base constructor are also available, but these will not be used for dependency injection.

public class BloggingDbContext : MultiTenantDbContext
    // these constructors are called when dependency injection is used
    public BloggingDbContext(IMultiTenantContextAccessor multiTenantContextAccessor) : base(multiTenantContextAccessor)
    public BloggingDbContext(IMultiTenantContextAccessor multiTenantContextAccessor, DbContextOptions<BloggingDbContext> options) :
        base(multiTenantContextAccessor, options)
    // these constructors are useful for testing or other use cases where depdenency injection is not used
    public BloggingDbContext(ITenantInfo tenantInfo) : base(tenantInfo) { }

    public BloggingDbContext(ITenantInfo tenantInfo, DbContextOptions<BloggingDbContext> options) :
        base(tenantInfo, options) { }

    public DbSet<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; }

If the derived database context overrides OnModelCreating is it recommended that the base class OnModelCreating method is called last so that the multi-tenant query filters are not overwritten.

public class BloggingDbContext : MultiTenantDbContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        // set a global query filter, e.g. to support soft delete
        modelBuilder.Entity<Post>().HasQueryFilter(p => !p.IsDeleted);
        // call the base library implementation AFTER the above

Now, whenever this database context is used it will only set and query records for the current tenant.

Hybrid Per-tenant and Shared Databases

When using a shared database context based on IMultiTenantDbContext it is simple extend into a hybrid approach simply by assigning some tenants to a separate shared database (or its own completely isolated database) via the tenant info connection string property.

Design Time Instantiation

Given that a multi-tenant database context usually requires a tenant to function, design time instantiation can be challenging. By default, for things like migrations and command line tools Entity Framework core attempts to create an instance of the context using dependency injection, however usually no valid tenant exists in these cases and DI fails. For this reason it is recommended to use a design time factory wherein a dummy ITenantInfo is constructed with the desired connection string and passed to the database context constructor.

Registering with ASP.NET Core

When registering the database context as a service in ASP.NET Core it is important to take into account whether the connection string and/or provider will vary per-tenant. If so, it is recommended to set the connection string and provider in the OnConfiguring database context method as described above rather than in the AddDbContext service registration method.

Adding Data

Added entities are automatically associated with the current TenantInfo. If an entity is associated with a different TenantInfo then a MultiTenantException is thrown in SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync.

// Add a blog for a tenant.
Blog  myBlog = new Blog{ Title = "My Blog" };;
var db = new BloggingDbContext(myTenantInfo, null);

// Try to add the same blog to a different tenant.
db = new BloggingDbContext(yourTenantInfo, null);
await db.SaveChangesAsync(); // Throws MultiTenantException.

Querying Data

Queries only return results associated to the TenantInfo.

// Will only return "My Blog".
var db = new BloggingDbContext(myTenantInfo, null);
var tenantBlog = db.Blogs.First();

// Will only return "Your Blog".
db = new BloggingDbContext(yourTenantInfo, null);
var tenantBlogs = db.Blogs.First(); 

IgnoreQueryFilters can be used to bypass the filter for LINQ queries.

// TenantBlogs will contain all blogs, regardless of tenant.
var db = new BloggingDbContext(myTenantInfo, null);
var tenantBlogs = db.Blogs.IgnoreQueryFilters().ToList(); 

The query filter is applied only at the root level of a query. Any entity classes loaded via Include or ThenInclude are not filtered, but if all entity classes involved in a query have the [MultiTenant] attribute then all results are associated to the same tenant.

Updating and Deleting Data

Updated or deleted entities are checked to make sure they are associated with the TenantInfo. If an entity is associated with a different TenantInfo then a MultiTenantException is thrown in SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync.

// Add a blog for a tenant.
Blog  myBlog = new Blog{ Title = "My Blog" };
var db = new BloggingDbContext(myTenantInfo);

// Modify and attach the same blog to a different tenant.
db = new BloggingDbContext(yourTenantInfo, null);
myBlog.Title = "My Changed Blog";
await db.SaveChangesAsync(); // Throws MultiTenantException.

await db.SaveChangesAsync(); // Throws MultiTenantException.

Keys and Indexes

When configuring a multi-tenant entity type it is often useful to include the implicit TenantId column in the primary key and/or indexes. The MultiTenantEntityTypeBuilder instance returned from IsMultiTenant() provides the following methods for this purpose:

  • AdjustKey(IMutableKey, ModelBuilder) - Alters the existing defined key to add the implicit TenantId. Note that this will also impact entities with a dependent foreign key and may add an implicit Tenant Id there as well.
  • AdjustIndex(IMutableIndex) - Alters an existing index include the implicit TenantId.
  • AdjustIndexes() - Alters all existing indexes to include the implicit TenantId.
  • AdjustUniqueIndexes() - Alters only all existing unique indexes to include te implicit TenantId.
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
    // Configure an entity type to be multi-tenant, adjust the existing keys and indexes
    var key = builder.Entity<Blog>().Metadata.GetKeys().First();
    builder.Entity<MyEntityType>().IsMultiTenant().AdjustKey(key, builder).AdjustIndexes();

Tenant Mismatch Mode

Normally Finbuckle.MultiTenant will automatically coordinate the TenantId property of each entity. However, in certain situations the TenantId can be manually set.

By default, attempting to add or update an entity with a different TenantId property throws a MultiTenantException during a call to SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync. This behavior can be changed by setting the TenantMismatchMode property on the database context:

  • TenantMismatchMode.Throw - A MultiTenantException is thrown (default).
  • TenantMismatchMode.Ignore - The entity is added or updated without modifying its TenantId.
  • TenantMismatchMode.Overwrite - The entity's TenantId is overwritten to match the database context's current TenantInfo.

Tenant Not Set Mode

If the TenantId on an entity is manually set to null the default behavior is to overwrite the TenantId for added entities or to throw a MultiTenantException for updated entities. This occurs during a call to SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync. This behavior can be changed by setting the TenantNotSetMode property on the database context:

  • TenantNotSetMode.Throw - For added entities the null TenantId will be overwritten to match the database context's current TenantInfo. For updated entities a MultiTenantException is thrown (default).
  • TenantNotSetMode.Overwrite - The entity's TenantId is overwritten to match the database context's current TenantInfo.